The totally shame-free, actual-life, real-time blog where I tell all, show all--without nagging or whining (all right--maybe a little whining...)--in my attempt to stop being a fat middle-aged woman who avoids mirrors and clothing stores and start being a woman at home in her body...brought to you by a real woman, the Independent Weltha Herself. I won't give any advice, and I'm not asking for any--just companionship on my journey.

Every day...a new post. Every other real weight. Every pictures.

For every woman who has ever tried to just lose the extra weight and feel good...overall and about herself...and who lived to tell the story.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day the 16th

In which Our Heroine extols the Virtues of Drinking Water & More

Yes, I love Jane Austen...

"Let us now praise famous glasses of water"--all right, it's cheesy but hey! Whatcha gonna do...? (BTW, that was not Jane Austen...)

I have noticed something about drinking lots of water. It leads to softer hands and nicer cuticles--in two ways. Obviously, if you drink LOTS of water, you are well-hydrated and your skin is softer and the cells are filled out. But this also happens: when you drink plenty of water, you have to urinate a lot (I was a biology major for my BA, and I call 'em as I see 'em). Then--particularly when you are in a public place such as work--you wash your hands. A lot. With soap and very warm water.

Unless you want two pieces of leather at the end of your arms, you use lotion afterwards. And I use a bit of Vaseline on my nails and work it into the cuticles. And I have never had such nice cuticles and shiny nails.

Now...not everyone likes using petroleum products. I also have at home--and I could sure bring it to work--this yummy-licious (technical term) shea butter cream with lavender. I'm sure it would work almost as well. And wonderful. I even like lavender in foods--I make a salad dressing with Herbes de Provence, which has lavender in it...

So...what other great products for hands and fingernails, especially but not limited to the more organic ones? I need suggestions, dear Readers!

Meanwhile...the exercise options are a little narrower this week--I am working, working, working--leaving home early and getting home late. So much to do and only a 3-day work week! However, in the after-hours, I am putting those doggone walking shoes on and walking up and down the halls. We have...plenty of halls. Many, many halls. And I'm taking Scott the Organist's advice: do what I can. What a brilliant piece of advice--and applicable to so many areas of life.

I'm looking forward to blogging about Thanksgiving this year. I may have to blog the next day--a blog for Thansgiving and a blog for the day AFTER...

Here's my holiday philosphy:

  1. Studies show that when people who are not kiddies drink 16 oz of water about 20-30 minutes before meals, they eat less. So...water first!
  2. Holidays are about rejoicing and celebrating--I'm an Anglican, and we view life through a sort of sacramental lens. For me, that means that I enjoy the church holidays and the secular ones, too, and see them as something set apart and sacred. So...that means I eat things.
  3. However...I eat with some sense. I start with as many salad-y and vegetable and raw things as I can--and some smart protein--such as salmon or turkey or whatever is available. THEN, after I have eaten slowly, I go back once for my favorite salad-y and vegetable things. And then, if I really want it, I have a dessert. Such as pumpkin pie. [but if there is pumpkin cheesecake, all bets are off! Well, I mean, I'll have the cheesecake and chalk it up to rejoicing.]
  4. Holidays are not the time or place for "I can't eat this." There is always the doll-sized portion, the eat-a-bite-or-two, and the just-didn't-get-some-of-it. Besides, this year, I am going with friends to a lovely buffet at their country club--and I am so thankful for that! Great friends, good food--and lots of fun. Thank you, Poodle!

Tomorrow, I am posting those things for which I am thankful. Maybe this is a good time to be thinking of what all is right in our lives--because so very much is.

So...dear Readers...please post your favorite homemade salad dressing receipes, your favorite natural/organic/just plain works skin lotions, and if you have any great recipes for Thanksgiving foods that incorporate raw and/or really healthy ingredients...please feel free to post over this Thanksgiving holiday season!

It's the season to be PUMPKIN!! Thank you for joining my journey.



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