The totally shame-free, actual-life, real-time blog where I tell all, show all--without nagging or whining (all right--maybe a little whining...)--in my attempt to stop being a fat middle-aged woman who avoids mirrors and clothing stores and start being a woman at home in her body...brought to you by a real woman, the Independent Weltha Herself. I won't give any advice, and I'm not asking for any--just companionship on my journey.

Every day...a new post. Every other real weight. Every pictures.

For every woman who has ever tried to just lose the extra weight and feel good...overall and about herself...and who lived to tell the story.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day the 168th Weigh-In Wednesday

Reader, I saw it.

And I didn't much like it.

I weighed in this morning, and here is the verdict:

223, almost 224.

The reason is simple. I've been eating things that I generally don't. And I can guarantee I'm holding some water weight due to it.

I'm going to enjoy Thanksgiving. I'm cooking for myself, and just relaxing and enjoying time with the cats, with books and movies, and with my BFF Poodle. I've been entertaining too much, and I miss time to myself.

In addition, I need to unpack some more from The Final Move-In. I've done some, but not as much as I would like.

And...I want to go to the movies. I want to walk through My Favorite Park and shuffle through the leaves. I want to play my dulcimer and sing along. So much I want to do.

So...tomorrow is going to be my favorite Chili with White Beans And Chicken. And possibly Cornbread. And Rolls (well, why not?) And Green Salad With One Of The Signature Dressings. And possibly Brownies With Praline Topping. And maybe My Mom's Waldorf Salad. And maybe a Pumpkin Thing. And then this Green Bean Stuff I have wanted to make (no, not Green Bean Casserole with Mushroom Soup and Onion Rings...), but either Sesame Green Beans or Green Beans with Carmelized Shallots. We shall see. I'm not a Turkey fan. Maybe some lovely Cranberry Sauce that I make my own self.

And then a movie and some food-type stuff with Poodle. This will be great! I can't wait - can't wait - can't wait!

I'm on Total Overload for more reasons than I care to, this weekend will be a great time to recharge the batteries.

Will I blog? I definitely won't on Thanksgiving. Maybe, maybe not on the rest of the days of the weekend. We will see.

And, in true fashion - not wanting to let anyone down - the Topic of the Day:

She Lists The Things For Which She Is MOST Thankful

  1. God my heavenly parent, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Too many years ago to count, I said, "I'll serve you to the end." I meant it. I mean it today. I plan to mean it until my last moment on earth.

  2. My BFF Poodle. We are in it together until the end.

  3. My lovely new apartment - I could not be happier, especially with Neighbor Paula and The Wonder Landlords, Pete and Rick.

  4. Mimsey and Horatius - The Wonder Cats. I love you both more than you can know. You are the dearest two creatures, even when you lie on me and I can't turn over in the night and you nip the inside of my wrist because I didn't get up fast enough to feed you and you holler at me to put the food in the bowl right this very minute.

  5. My brothers - The Brothers, the Twins - Bud and Bill. I will always love you two because I look at you and I see and hear Mom and Dad.

  6. My job. No, it's not my 'Dream Job' as such, and here I am on my break, typing my blog, but I work at a GREAT place, with GREAT people, and I'm doing cool things that matter. I care about that. It pays the bills and gives me a chance to participate. I love that.

  7. Mom's China and Silver - because it is not only the memory of you, Mom, it's that I get to carry on your tradition of hospitality and entertaining. And I get to do it with elegance and style, thanks to you.

  8. The memories of my parents. My Mom and my Dad were the best. Not perfect, but they loved us. They loved me. I miss them during the holidays but really, I rejoice in who they were. The holidays just brings them back closer to me.

  9. My church. St. Jerome's - you rock, even in the moments where I think, "Is this the asylum and are the inmates running it?" I am so happy to be there.

  10. My friends. I have this tiny group of True Friends To The End: Poodle (of course,) Grammy Jean, Debbie and Mr. Debbie and family, Pearl, Melynda, Sue Ellen, Martha, Lencho, Matthew, and Travis. I couldn't do it without you. You all are the BEST.

Here's to a great Thanksgiving. We all have much more to be grateful for than we have to regret or wish different.



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